ࡱ> +-()*` `bjbj 8:XXXX8,2rtttttt$%hyyyryryyF :jXqֻ 0( y!Xd\4a$94a Older Adults/ Newer Technologies Project Telephone Survey Results Summary August 1, 2006 A total of 212 surveys were conducted by the 8 sites participating in this project. The sites include urban and rural areas in 4 Canadian provinces (BC, Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick). Surveys in the NB rural area were conducted in French. A summary of the results is presented below. The questionnaire used in the survey is attached in Appendix A. Participant Demographics: Area: Urban: 77.4% Rural: 22.6% Age: 60-74 yrs: 57.0% 75+yrs: 43.0% (Mean = 73.42; Min = 60; Max = 96) Gender: Male: 40.8% Female: 59.2% Any health problem that reduces activity? Yes: 36.6% No: 63.4% Interested in peer-to-peer mentoring? Yes: 67.3% No: 14.9% Not sure: 7.8% Interested in participating in program? Yes: 64.5% No: 29.5% Maybe: 6.0% Question 6: Barriers to new technologies (ordered by highest % who agree) 1. Buy/use if felt a need for them (86.9%) 2. Buy/use if did not become out of date so fast (71.3%) 3. Buy/use if fewer features/less complicated (71.0 %) 4. Buy/use if less expensive (68.8%) 5. Buy/use if easy to learn to use them (64.7%) 6. Buy/use if more support/help using product (62.1) Other: ability to use (small buttons/numbers, holding small things, etc. ), time, their age, instructions, awareness of suppliers of the technology Question 7: Top technologies (ordered by highest % interested) 1. Monitors/alarms for falls; emergency response calls (61.3%) 2. Blood pressure and heart monitors (53.7%) 3. Voice answering systems; caller ID (53.4%) 4. Cell phone (51%) 5. Home security alarm systems (49.5%) 6. Household aids re limited hand function (46.4%) 7. Vehicle safety, security systems (47.5%) 8. Electronic memory aids/organizers (40.4%) 9. Digital hearing aids/loops for cell phones (39.1%) 10. Home automation (35.6%) 11. Pill dispensers (33.7%) 12. Glucose meters (33.7%) Question 8: What they want to learn about (ordered by highest % who thought it important) 1. Product reliability and durability (81.3%) 2. How it works, what it does (77.6%) 3. Support and service available (77.0%) 4. How easy it is to learn to use well (74.8%) 5. Warranties (72.3%) 6. Cost (70.4%) 7. Hearing experiences of older users (68.5%) 8. Need for, benefits of using (67.2%) Question 10: How to make program effective (open ended question, prioritized by frequency): Easy access/transport, Small groups/ 1-on-1; Hands on Keep things simple Good instructors Good instruction sheets Question 11: How to promote program (open ended question, prioritized by frequency): Newspaper word of mouth seniors centres/ clubs TV Summary of Cross Tabulations: Cross tabulations were done to identify differences between participant responses according to: A. where they lived (urban vs rural) B. gender (male vs female) C. activity limitation (those with a health problem vs those without) D. age (60-74 vs 75+) Lists of barriers and technologies (prioritized by the highest percentage of respondents in agreement or interested respectively) are listed below for each of the 4 groups: Question 6- Top 5 Barriers A. Urban vs Rural Priority  Urban Rural1.Buy/use if felt a need for them (85.4%)Buy/use if felt a need for them (91.7%) 2.Buy/use if did not go out of date so fast (71.6%) Buy/use if fewer features/less complicated (76.6%) 3.Buy/use if fewer features/less complicated (69.3%) Buy/use if less expensive (75.0%) 4. Buy/use if less expensive (66.9%)Buy/use if did not become out of date so fast (70.2%) 5. Buy/use if easy to learn to use them (66.5%) Buy/use if more support/help using product (59.6%)  B. Male vs Female Priority  Male Female1.Buy/use if felt a need for them (89.2%) Buy/use if felt a need for them (84.7%) 2.Buy/use if did not become out of date so fast (72.8%) Buy/use if fewer features/less complicated (74.3%) 3.Buy/use if fewer features/less complicated (67.1%) Buy/use if less expensive (73.0%) 4. Buy/use if more support/help using product (64.3%) Buy/use if did not become out of date so fast (69.0%) 5. Buy/use if less expensive (64.3%) Buy/use if easy to learn to use them (67.0%)  C. Activity Limitation (those with a health problem vs those without) Priority  Activity Limitation No Activity Limitation1.Buy/use if felt a need for them (91.7%) Buy/use if felt a need for them (83.7%) 2.Buy/use if fewer features/less complicated (78.9%) Buy/use if did not become out of date so fast (68.0%) 3.Buy/use if less expensive (76.1%) Buy/use if fewer features/less complicated (67.7%) 4. Buy/use if did not become out of date so fast (76.1%) Buy/use if less expensive (66.1%) 5. Buy/use if more support/help using product (72.6%) Buy/use if easy to learn to use them (62.2%)  D. Age (60-74 vs 75+) Priority  60-74 Years Old 75+ Years Old1.Buy/use if felt a need for them 90.3% Buy/use if felt a need for them 81.7% 2.Buy/use if did not become out of date so fast 79.5% Buy/use if fewer features/less complicated 68.8% 3.Buy/use if less expensive 75.0% Buy/use if less expensive 61.7% 4. Buy/use if fewer features/less complicated 73.4% Buy/use if did not become out of date so fast 58.2% 5. Buy/use if more support/help using product 70.0% Buy/use if easy to learn to use them 57.0%  Note: For the most part, the P value for the comparison results on barriers to technologies did not appear to be significant between the groups. The only exception was question 6b. that focused on buying/ using more technology if help and support were available. Agreement was significantly stronger amongst participants with a health condition that limited their physical activity (p=.05). Similarly, significantly more participants in the younger age group agreed with the statement (p=.019), as did more of the participants living in urban areas (p=.01). Question 7- Top 5 Technologies A. Urban vs Rural Priority  Urban Rural1.Fall monitors; emerg. response (60.9%) Blood pressure and heart monitors (66.7%) 2.Voice answering; caller ID (55.8%) Cell phone (62.5%) 3.Blood pressure and heart monitors (49.7%) Monitors/alarms for falls; emerg. response calls (62.5%) 4. Cell phone (47.5%) Home security alarm systems (60.4%) 5. Vehicle safety, security systems (47.0%) Glucose meters (53.2%)  B. Male vs Female Priority  Male Female1.Monitors/alarms for falls; emerg. response calls (61.4%) Monitors/alarms for falls; emerg. response calls (62.9%) 2.Blood pressure and heart monitors (61.0%) Cell phone (52.5%) 3.Voice answering systems; caller ID (60.5%) Home security alarm systems (50.9%) 4. Vehicle safety, security systems (58.0%) Voice answering systems; caller ID (50.8%) 5. Cell phone (48.2%) Blood pressure and heart monitors (50.4%)  C. Activity Limitation (those with a health problem vs those without) Priority  Activity Limitation No Activity Limitation1.Monitors/alarms for falls; emerg. response calls (75.0%) Monitors/alarms for falls; emerg. response calls (55.2%) 2.Blood pressure and heart monitors (63.9%) Voice answering; caller ID (54.8%) 3.Household aids re limited hand function (60.3%) Cell phone (50.8%) 4. Home security alarm systems (56.3%) Blood pressure and heart monitors (48.8%) 5. Voice answering systems; caller ID (53.4%) Home security alarm systems (47.6%)  D. Age (60-74 vs 75+) Priority  60-74 Years Old 75+ Years Old1.Voice answering systems; caller ID 60.4% Monitors/alarms for falls; emerg. response calls 62.7%2.Monitors/alarms for falls; emerg. response calls 60.0%  Vehicle safety, security systems 47.5% 3.Blood pressure and heart monitors 59.8% Blood pressure and heart monitors 47.0% 4. Cell phone 57.1% Household aids re limited hand function 44.0% 5. Home security alarm systems 55.0% Home security alarm systems 43.9%  The 60-74 yr old group was generally more interested in learning about all of the technologies than the 75+ participants. Similarly, participants with health conditions that limited their activity were more interested in learning about all of the technologies than those without a health condition. A few significant differences (P<.05) in technology priorities were identified and are presented in the tables below. A. Differences in Technology priorities between Urban and Rural Technology% interested in urban% interested in ruralP-valueMore important in urban: Home automation39.0%25.0% .007More important in rural: Glucose meters 27.7%53.2%  .005 B. Differences in Technology priorities between Male and Female Technology% interested male% interested femaleP-valueMore important for males:Glucose meters38.0%31.4% .029Digital hearing aids/loops for cell phones40.5%38.1% .006Vehicle safety, security systems58.0%41.1% .021More important for females:Household aids re limited hand function44.6%49.6% .017Home security alarm systems 48.2%50.9 .006 C. Differences in Technology priorities between those with Activity Limitations and no Activity Limitation Technology% interested with activity limitation% interested no activity limitation P-valueMore important for those with activity limitation:Pill dispenser/organizers 43.7%28.1% .021Household aids re limited hand function60.3%39.4% .016Electronic memory aids/organizers49.3%36.5% .042Monitors for falls; emergency response75.0% 55.2% .012Home automation 44.4% 31.7% .020 Differences in Technology priorities between Age Groups Technology% interested 60-74 years % interested 75+ yearsP-valueMore important for those between 60-74 :Cell phone57.1%  41.2% .023Electronic memory aids/organizers50.5% 29.6% .012Voice answering systems; caller60.4% 43.4% .018 A comparison of results on Question 8 (what participants would like to learn about) did not reveal significant differences between these groups. Appendix A - Older Adults/ Newer Technologies Telephone Interview Survey Subject ID number: _____________________________________________ Site location:___________________________________________________ Urban ___ rural ____ Interviewer: ___________________________________________________ Interview date and time: ___________________________________  INTRODUCTION The ճԹ51 is a non-profit agency that uses technology, knowledge and passion to empower people with disabilities, including older adults. The ճԹ51 has been funded by a contribution from the Federal Governments Public Health Agency to develop a program that will introduce seniors to new technologies and teach them how to best use technology to stay independent. We are considering any new technologies that can help maintain or increase independence such as home medical products, security systems, or cell phones for emergency dialling. We are not including computers in this study. We are currently conducting telephone surveys with older adults across the country to get a better idea of how this program can be developed to meet the needs of seniors. We are asking you to help us by sharing your thoughts about new technologies and how this program could be set up. We are not a commercial enterprise, and we are not trying to sell anything to you. The information you give us today will be of great value to the team of researchers creating this program. Your input will help guide the development of this important program that will directly benefit older adults across the country. We will keep any information that identifies you strictly confidential. All completed surveys will be identified only by study ID number and kept in a locked filing cabinet. It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you do decide to take part, you are free to not answer questions without giving any reason. Thank you for helping out. The survey should take approximately 20 minutes. Is this a good time for you to do the survey, or would you prefer if I called back at a more convenient time? BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. What year were you born? ________ 2. Gender: ____Male ____Female 3. Which of the following best describes your housing situation: ___ own house, apartment or condo ___ self-contained granny flat in a relative or friends home ___ a seniors or retirement home ___ the home of one of your children ___ other (specify): ___________________________ 4. How did you hear about this survey? (DO NOT PROMPT ) _____ Federal Superannuates _____ CARP _____ Meals on Wheels _____ CAP site _____ poster at community or recreation centre _____ Seniors Centre _____ word of mouth (friend, colleague, neighbour) _____ other (specify)________________________________ 5. Do you have any physical condition or mental condition or health problem that reduces the amount or the kind of activity you can do? YES NO NEW TECHNOLOGIES The next few questions relate to new technologies that can help you maintain or increase your independence. For example, these could be home medical products such as heart monitors and glucose meters, home security systems, or cell phones for emergency dialling. 6. I will read out a number of statements that refer to potential barriers to buying or using new technologies. Please rate on a scale of 0-5 how strongly you agree or disagree with these statements (0= strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree; or not sure): a) I would buy or use more new technologies if I knew it would be easy to learn to use them 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE strongly neutral strongly disagree agree I would buy or use more new technologies if I could get more support or help using the product. 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE strongly neutral strongly disagree agree I would buy or use more new technologies if I felt I had a need for them. 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE strongly neutral strongly disagree agree I would buy or use more new technologies if they were less expensive. 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE strongly neutral strongly disagree agree I would buy or use more new technologies if they didnt change or become out of date so quickly. 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE strongly neutral strongly disagree agree I would buy or use more new technologies if they had fewer features or were less complicated. 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE strongly neutral strongly disagree agree g) Are there other barriers that prevent you from buying or using new technology? (list a maximum of 3 ) 7. I will read a list of new technologies. Please rate on a scale of 0 to 5, how interested you would be in participate in a free program that would teach you more about these technologies and how they could enhance your independence? (0= not at all interested, 5= very interested; or not sure) a) cell phone 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very interested interested blood pressure and heart monitors 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very interested interested pill dispenser/organizers 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very interested interested glucose meters 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very interested interested household aids for people with limited hand strength or function (tap turners, modified utensils, etc.) 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very interested interested electronic memory aids and organizers (eg. hand held computer , portable tape recorder) 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very interested interested digital hearing aids / hearing aid loops for cell phones 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very interested interested home security alarm systems 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very interested interested monitors and alarms that detect falls, emergency response calls 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very interested interested voice answering systems/ caller id for the phone 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very interested interested home automation (lights, drapes, door openers) 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very interested interested vehicle safety, security systems (eg. Onstar and GPS) 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very interested interested m) Are there other technologies to enhance your independence that you would like to learn about? (list a maximum of 3) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 8. We would like to know what types of things you might want to learn about new technologies. On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate how important these are for you (0=not at all important, 5= very important; or not sure): a) the need for and benefits of using the technology (ie. how this technology can help you) 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very important important cost ( both up front and operating costs) 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very important important how it works and what it does 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very important important how easy it is to learn to use it fluently and effectively 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very important important e) support and service available 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very important important f) product reliability and durability 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very important important warranties 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very important important hearing about the experiences older users have had using the technology 0 1 2 3 4 5 NOT SURE not at all neutral very important important 9. The program we had in mind was going to include seniors with technical backgrounds providing support and training to seniors wanting to learn more about new technologies. We call this peer-to-peer mentoring. Does this idea appeal to you? YES NO NOT SURE 10. Do you have any suggestions about how we should design the program to help you and others learn about new technologies? How can we make this most effective for you? 11. We are trying to find effective ways to promote this new program to older adults. How do you normally hear about programs in your community? 12. The information you have given us today will be used to create a seniors and technology program that will start in the spring of 2007. The program we are planning will outline the benefits of using some of the technologies weve discussed today, as well as give participants real hands on training with the technologies themselves. Participants would come to a local site a couple of hours a week, for several weeks. Would you be interested in participating in this program? YES NO 13. May we keep your contact information on file and contact you when we are ready to pilot this program? YES NO     PAGE 12 )IJXYZQ ~ ̼~rn[K;Khj-h05CJOJQJaJhj-hk5CJOJQJaJ%hh5>*CJOJQJ\aJhj-hCJOJQJaJhZCJOJQJaJhiCJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJh hhhhCJOJQJ\aJhj-5>*CJOJQJ\aJ%hkhk5>*CJOJQJ\aJh5>*CJOJQJ\aJ)JYZ c '  @ z  9ngdgdk$a$gd``         ! ( - . 0 3 5 6 ; A O c h l m z щ|ohi5CJOJQJaJhi5CJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJhj-hTCJOJQJaJh5CJOJQJaJhj-h05CJOJQJaJhj-hk5CJOJQJaJhj-heCJOJQJaJhj-hkCJOJQJaJhj-he5CJOJQJaJ&      ! 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