With The Right Support, Jeff Finds Solutions

August 15, 2011

Employ-Ability participant JeffJeff has , calcium build up, and a severed tendon in his right shoulder. For the past 20 years he’s worked in a physical environment. With a learning disability, a criminal record, and a lack of higher education, Jeff felt that β€œfuture employment seemed limited.”

Jeff participated in the Employ-Ability Program in . The program helped him to research employment opportunities based on his goals. β€œInstead of looking negatively at these barriers, they have shown me how, with the right support behind you, you can find solutions. With a renewed confidence in all my skills and abilities, I am looking into finding part time employment and going to post secondary school,” he says.

Jeff’s next steps are to follow his Employment Action Plan, get physically fit, and pursue either the Primary Care certificate or go to the and pursue a .

β€œI will accomplish this with guidance from the staff at the ½ρΘΥ³ΤΉΟ51. If they weren’t here I would be going back to heavy labour and then in one or two years likely going for complete shoulder replacement surgery. The options present to me now are much better than I was able to previously see.”

If you would like to make a donation to support others like Jeff, you may do so here.