One-On-One Learning Sessions With Digital Jumpstart Put Teresa on the Path to Employment

November 14, 2023

Teresa was looking to find employment in an office or library setting, so she needed to upgrade her computer skills.

Digital Jumpstart participant Teresa standing in the Computer Comfort classroom.She was diagnosed with a learning disability in grade school, making comprehending ideas and retaining information difficult. Teresa has struggled in learning environments, feeling anxious and overwhelmed with the busyness that often comes with a traditional classroom. She had previously tried obtaining an Office Education Certificate but could not complete it.

Working with in Regina, she was referred to Neil Squire鈥檚 Digital Jumpstart program. She was hoping to refresh the skills she had learned from the Office Education course and gain more independence in using Office 365 programs.

Teresa quickly benefited from the Digital Jumpstart program, particularly enjoying the one-on-one tutoring sessions.

Through Digital Jumpstart, Teresa gained a laptop and a Livescribe Smart Pen. Both devices have been very helpful in her life and the Livescribe pen has decreased her stress when using a computer. Teresa is a writer and receiving the technology from Neil Squire has increased her independence in continuing her passion.

Her confidence has improved since starting Digital Jumpstart and she feels more comfortable navigating a computer. Teresa is pleased with how she was able to retain the information she has learned through the program. She is grateful for the support she received from Neil Squire and feels Digital Jumpstart will help her succeed in life.

Now, Teresa hopes to find employment, continue writing her stories, and become a published author. Teresa plans to take what she has learned from this course and apply it to her life and help her reach her goals. She is continuing to work with Neil Squire, participating in the Computer Comfort program, and working with a Job Developer in Creative Employment Options.

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