Melanie Lands Two Jobs!

May 7, 2014

Melanie has a . She finds it difficult to read because β€œthe words are scrambled”. She had trouble hearing when she was younger, so she has tubes in her ears. Melanie worked as a Care Aide, looking after seniors for 14 years, but had been out of work for 8 months prior to joining the Employ-Ability program in Saskatchewan. β€œI was very depressed. I was tired of applying for jobs,” says Melanie, β€œWhen I joined this program I felt better about myself. Setting goals each week helped. It motivated me to find work.”

Melanie with Prairie Manager, NikkiDuring the program, Melanie learned how to create a resume and cover letter, and received support with her job search. β€œI was motivated in finding a job. I never gave up.” She enjoyed learning about budgeting and now uses a spreadsheet to track her purchases each month. Melanie also enjoyed learning about eating healthy and controlling stress.

β€œI had so many interviews when I was in this program. I even got a job. I will be working at the theatre and for my work placement I will be working at ,” says Melanie. She hopes to get hired on with after her work placement comes to an end, but in the meantime, her theatre job is β€œgoing really well”.

2012 was a tough year for Melanie. β€œNow things are finally starting to be good again. I even bought myself new clothes and had a makeover. Thank you to everyone for helping me change my life. I am happy waking up every morning.”

Way to go, Melaine!