Mary Gets Her “Oomph” Back

February 16, 2010

Down on her luck one day last January, Mary was looking through the phone book, trying to find a place to rescue her from an on again/off again work history. She came across the ճԹ51 and placed a call to the Regina, Saskatchewan office. “A very pleasant receptionist explained their Employ-Ability program to me and my ears perked up.” explains Mary. “She told me they recognize as an impairment to employment combined with the other concerns I had regarding being out of work for a while.”

“I was at my wit’s end of where to go to get my oomph back” says Mary, who mustered the courage to go in for an interview. “My interpersonal skills were rusty, not to mention my self-confidence”. She started the Employ-Ability program in March, 2009.

The staff in Regina were diligent with Mary, “They would not let me be negative”, and her fellow participants made her see value outside of herself, “We were all different as night and day, yet so eager to get back to work for a common good, to earn our own way in the world no matter what the barriers to overcome.”

The program covered career development tactics, wellness for work awareness, the importance of having goals, as well as basic computer skills such as the internet and Word. Previous program participants came in to talk about their progress, “Each day I became more inspired”, says Mary, “an office job was foreseeable. With previous office experience and a better outlook, my fibromyalgia and phlebitis can take a back seat.”

By the end of the program, Mary felt like she knew herself better and was more equipped for her job search with an improved resume and cover letter. She managed to secure a job at .

“Thank you to the founders and facilitators at ճԹ51 of Regina, Saskatchewan. You are job whisperers”.

Congratulations, Mary!

If you would like to make a donation to support others like Mary, you may do so here.