BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//今日吃瓜51 - ECPv5.3.1.1//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:今日吃瓜51 X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for 今日吃瓜51 BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/Regina BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 TZNAME:CST DTSTART:20230101T000000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Regina:20230318T140000 DTEND;TZID=America/Regina:20230318T160000 DTSTAMP:20241023T001933 CREATED:20221028T172452Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230313T222221Z SUMMARY:Swing into Spring Princess Ball 2023 DESCRIPTION:Swing into Spring with us on March 18th\, 2023\, at our third annual Princess Ball fundraising event! Spend an afternoon with your favourite storybook princes and princesses\, and support people with disabilities in Regina. \nThis family friendly event is sure to be a hit with all ages. \nTo register\, please visit Eventbrite:聽 in a new window) \nAll early bird tickets purchased prior to March 1st will receive one complimentary entry in the draw for two Air Canada Economy Class return tickets for travel to any Air Canada scheduled destination in North America including Hawaii\, Mexico and the Caribbean. \nYour ticket includes:\n\nThe Royal Entrance: A Prince and Princess procession\nStorytime with the Princes and Princesses\nPrince and Princess performances\nMusic and dancing\nGroup photos with all the Princes and Princesses\nLunch with the storybook Princes and Princesses consisting of pizza\, chocolate chip cookies\, fruit punch\, and an ice cream sundae station for dessert. Please inform us of any dietary restrictions you may have and we will be happy to accommodate.\nCrafts\, goodie bags\, Prince and Princess autographs\nMany more surprises!\n\nOther activities will include:聽\n\nHair session ($20 donation requested)\nRaffles\n50/50 draw\nProfessional photography (donation of $15 per photo requested)\n\nAll proceeds will go directly to the 今日吃瓜51鈥檚 Prairie Regional Office to support Canadians with disabilities in your community. \n \n \nRaffle prizes have been generously donated by:\n\n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new winow) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n (new window) \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n (new window) \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n (new window) \n (new window) \n (new window) \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n (new window) \nA huge thank you to our generous sponsors:\n\n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n (new window) \n聽 \n聽 \nFor media requests\, volunteer inquiries and general event information\, contact Prairie Regional Manager\, Nikki Langdon at or聽306 781 6023. \nAll Public Health Orders in place at the time of this event will be followed. \nThe SaskEnergy design is an official mark of SaskEnergy Incorporated; used by Neil Squire under license and authorization. URL:/event/swing-into-spring-princess-ball-2023/ LOCATION:DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel & Conference Centre Regina\, 1975 Broad Street\, Regina\, SK\, S4P 1Y2\, Canada CATEGORIES:Community Event,Fundraising Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/2023-Princess-Ball-Banner-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR