Christy’s Proficiency in Dragon Helps Her Get a Promotion

May 5, 2020

A lawyer by training, Christy was job hunting with an employment service provider. The service provider thought she might need additional supports and reached out to Neil Squire.

“I have quadriplegic which affects all four of my limbs and includes a mild to moderate speech impairment,” says Christy. “I can type manually with one finger, but it is slow and inaccurate. I haven’t let my disability keep me down though.”

Christy landed a job offer as Complaint Resolution Officer at the (CCTS). She needed to upgrade her “extremely basic” Dragon skills, so that she could dictate instead of having to type.

Christy“We were able to focus on the areas that I thought would be of the most use to me in the workplace,” says Christy.

Christy joined Neil Squire’s Distance Computer Comfort program and began learning Dragon from Program Coordinator Gordon Watt.

“Gordon is great! He was able to give me tips and tricks to improve my use of Dragon when working with highly specialized documents.”

Christy joined Neil Squire’s Distance Computer Comfort program and began learning Dragon from Program Coordinator Gordon Watt.

Christy worked with Gordon to develop a strategy for meeting her goals. She appreciated the personalized attention.

“What I enjoyed about taking Distance Computer Comfort classes was the fact that I got to apply what I learned in real time and in real life situations. Gordon said things like, ‘I would like to try this. Do you think you would use that at your office?’ The individualized attention was great!

“On another note, Gordon noted my start date in his calendar and emailed me to wish me good luck while he was on vacation in Scotland. He really went the extra mile to make sure I had everything I needed.”

Christy progressed quickly with her skills.

“Since I started working with Neil Squire, I have become much more proficient with Dragon and now use it on a daily basis at work.” So proficient, in fact, that Gordon notes Christy’s recognition accuracy on Dragon was higher than his own!

She adds, “I started as a Complaint Resolution Officer and have now been promoted to the role of Regulatory Analyst. I couldn’t have achieved any of this without the assistance of Neil Squire.”