Bernadine Gets Employment Ready With Creative Employment Options

November 20, 2023

Bernadine, who is Indigenous and lives in Regina, joined our Creative Employment Options program looking for a part-time job that would accommodate her wheelchair.

Bernadine typing at her workstation.Nearly 20 years ago, Bernadine was involved in a workplace injury when her foot got caught in a ladder and she fell while working as a fuel truck driver. Shortly after the incident, she noticed she was having issues running and standing, and was eventually diagnosed with Progressive Multiple Sclerosis in 2008. She now uses a power chair for mobility.

In September, Bernadine began working with her Job Developer to improve her employment skills, beginning with the right way to format her resume and cover letter, and how to tailor them specifically to the jobs she鈥檚 applying to.

She worked on her interview skills and learned how important a positive first impression can be, making sure to be on time and friendly with front-facing staff members.

Bernadine also took part in a discussion surrounding self-esteem while job searching, in particular, focusing on the benefits of maintaining friendships and hobbies on a person鈥檚 mental well-being.

While in the program, Bernadine has worked on her computer skills, attending one-on-one Computer Comfort training sessions. She has become more familiar with Microsoft Office applications which she intends to use in a future job.

Bernadine is currently enrolled in our Group Employment Skills classes where she is learning more about employment skills and overall job maintenance. She has now begun applying for customer service work in Regina and is looking forward to re-entering the workforce very soon.

November is Indigenous Disability Awareness Month (IDAM). Indigenous peoples of Canada experience a disability rate significantly higher than that of the general population. IDAM brings awareness of these barriers and the issues that Indigenous peoples living with disabilities and their families face every day.

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